Well, I'm back with the best news anyone can ever have! My favoritewife [Nora} is out of the hospital after having surgery for a tumor on her right lung. It was all, a painful but great success. The doctor said he got it all and it didn't spread anywhere else. I do wish I could take the pain away from her though but sometimes life just isn't fair. I'll tell you one thing though, it is some kind of a nightmare dealing with all the agencies that are involved in any kind of a medical catastrophe. I looked at one of the many bills that I recieved and came to one conclusion. If your laying in a hospital bed and a doctor walks buy your door...your going to get a bill from him! Actually, I'm kidding but it does get you to wondering, seeing as how it seems that you are getting billed by half the doctors in the hospital. The bottom line though is that we are both happy that everything was a success, no matter what the cost. She wont let me post a recent picture until she gains some weight back so I'm posting this one which was taken a few months back when we were in the Marriott Marina Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale. One last quote from me..."If you are a smoker...QUIT NOW! See you soon!