Friday, April 11, 2008

Another Abstract

I really had fun doing this one. I did this one on canvass board. It was all done with acrylic paint.When I finished it, I stared at it for quite awhile and tried to figure out what I saw in it. Well, I finally decided that it looks like an explosion in the galaxie. What do you think?
As usual, my wife still says it looks like "throw-up" Oh well, to each his own. Im not discouraged by her opinion so I will keep on plugging along because I love this painting thing.
I was eating dinner the other night in a Japanese restaurant. As you walk into the lobby, there was an interior design that I took a picture of with my cell camera. I am going to try and make a painting of it.
I'm about halfway through and it looks pretty good so far. As soon as I finish it I will have it up on the blog. So far I like the way it looks. I used black background paper and the painting really stands out. Believe it or not but my wife likes this one. I guess its because its not an abstract. Okay, thats it, I'll see ya later!

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